
How to Fix Add New Plugin Menu Missing in WordPress


Plugins are very important for WordPress development. By default, we can add new plugin in the WordPress sidebar.

However, I just found that the ‘Add new plugin menu’ is missing in my WordPress site.

The plugins can only be clicked as shown the list of installed plugins. Which means I cannot add new plugins on my site.

To fix this issue, I tried several ways. Firstly, I changed the theme to the default one. But it did not work. Secondly, I tried to deactivate all the plugins and re-active them later. Unfortunately, there was no magic.

Finally, I did some research, and found the solution. Go to the file system of the WordPress site, and find the ‘wp-config.php’ file. Usually, it is located in the root install-directory. Then, open it and find the very last two lines of code. Which is:

define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);
define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true);

Just simply change the ’true’ to ‘false’, and save it. The ‘add new plugin menu’ will be back!