William Yu

Install Arch Linux on MacBook in 2024

Intro As a software developer, it’s quite common to work with Linux. Given the wide variety of Linux distributions, experiencing some of them can provide valuable hands-on experience. Arch Linux, one of the most popular distributions, has a solid reputation in the developer community. I want to explore more about it, and I have a MacBook 2015 that I can use to install it. It looks like a plan, let’s go for it.

Set Up VS Code for Remote Development

Background Remote development is crucial for many scenarios. If we have a Windows PC but need to develop our projects on Linux, remote development is the right way to go. VS Code is very easy to set up for remote development. Let’s dive into it. Prerequisite A virtual machine is already set up, the SSH tunnel is working between your local machine and the VM. VS Code set up First, install the Remote - SSH extension on your VS Code.

Fix the Error of Null Value for Field With @Creationtimestamp

Background In a Spring Boot project, an entity class has a @CreationTimestamp annotation for the field of started. Since this field is essential for our business logic, there is a NotNull restriction in the database column for it. This is the code for this entity ( @Entity(name = "review") @EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true) @TypeDef(name = "jsonb", typeClass = JsonBinaryType.class) @TypeDef(name = "pgsql_enum", typeClass = PostgreSQLEnumType.class) @Getter @Setter @JsonIgnoreProperties({"hibernateLazyInitializer", "handler"}) public class Review { @Id @EqualsAndHashCode.

Disabling Error Notification Toast when Generating PDF from a Vue Project

Intro When generating a PDF from a webpage using Puppeteer in a Vue project, it’s often desirable to prevent the display of any error notification popups. This was the challenge I encountered. Specifically, in a Vue project, when a REST API call failed, a notification popup would appear on the browser screen. If a PDF version of the webpage needed to be generated, this popup would persist in the output. An example of this scenario is illustrated below: Approach My solution involved utilizing a media query.

Potential Issues With Spring Jpa Properties You Should Avoid in Production

Introduction Java developers love the Spring Framework since it has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity, flexibility, and robustness. Spring is a powerful tool that simplifies the development of enterprise applications by providing various features and functionalities. One such feature is the Spring Data JPA, which is an abstraction over the JPA specification. Although Spring Boot provides a powerful auto-configuration feature that makes it easy to configure and set up various components of an application, misconfiguring certain properties can lead to unintended consequences and potential issues.

Increasing the Size of the Disk of VM

Intro As we are developing more and more projects on my VM, we might get a problem which is the disk would be full. Obviously, we can clean up our file system to free up more space. However, if you got the issue frequently, it is better to increase the size of your disk for your VM. Pre-check for your disks First of all, you need to know the status of your disks at beginning.